Sinjin Beach Adult Team
Volleyball Skills Training for Recreational to Competitive Players
We offer beach volleyball coaching to help with players technique and improve their beach volleyball skills. We implement our training within doubles volleyball because it allows for more touches on the ball and faster improvement.
Our program allows participants to have a very flexible commitment. Part-time commitments allow you to pick whichever practices you wish to attend - all practices will have highly qualified coaches and we guarantee that you will see improvement in your beach volleyball game!
Fall Session 1: Aug.-Sept. - Click to Register
Suns. 10am-12pm; Weds 7:15-9:15pm
Full-time (18 practices - $400)
Part-time (9 practices - $275)
A la carte ($35/practice)
Fall Session 2: Oct.-Nov. - Click to Register
Suns. 2-4pm; Weds. 7:15-9:15pm
Full-time (18 practices - $400)
Part-time (9 practices - $275)
A la carte ($35/practice)
Mission: To provide driven adults with the opportunity to commit to improving their volleyball skills both on and off the court. This commitment will involve improvement in cardio, flexibility, health, volleyball knowledge, strategy, and ball control. Our goal is to provide the opportunity to maximize your volleyball ability and, at the same time, help you have fun!
Practice: Practice structure will consist of cardio, drills, and scrimmaging atmosphere to implement practice topics into a game situation. The key to the adult game of beach volleyball is to MINIMIZE ERRORS. This program is designed to clean up your game, make you a more consistent player, and get you playing at the level you want to be. You will learn the right way to play beach volleyball!
Cost: The average cost for private lessons ranges from $40.00 to $75.00 per hour. A full 2 month adult team session costs $408 - which breaks down to around $12/hr - WAY more affordable than private lessons!
Part-Time Program: $275 - 9 practices in 2 month session - Choose whichever 9 practices you want to attend!
Single Session: $35/practice - No commitment necessary! Come to any of our 2 hour practices for $35!
Payments: Make checks payable to Sinjin Beach Volleyball (can pay in cash if needed) Payments can be made in two installments if needed.
Refund Policy: 7 day refund policy. Up until 1 week (7 days) following the first practice of the session, you can receive a full refund if you decide that you do not want to continue with the program.
Fall Session 1: Aug - Sept - https://sinjinvolleyballclub.sportngin.com/register/form/631060486
Fall Session 2: Oct - Nov - https://sinjinvolleyballclub.sportngin.com/register/form/939923508