TRI SPORTS Social Club
8924 Midway West Rd.
Raleigh, NC 27617
Phone: 919.293.0105
Epic Duck Weather Hotline: (919) EPIC DUC(K)
EMAIL: trisports@trisportsnc.com

Headquartered in Raleigh, TRI SPORTS, LLC is one of the leading companies in the United States that organizes, markets and operates adult recreational sports leagues and social events. The company began in response to the high demand for well-run sports leagues with an integral social component here in the Triangle area. Activities are targeted towards professionals, in their 20s, 30s & 40s, who are looking for more than just a sports league. TRI SPORTS is a founding member of the Sport & Social Industry Association (SSIA).
TRI SPORTS offers recreational sports leagues 6 days a week. Participants must be 21 years or older, in good health, with their own health insurance. Most leagues offer a social component at a nearby sponsor bar. All leagues have great prizes for league champs & offer much more than just sports. While it is not a singles club - most activities are open to couples & singles -TRI SPORTS is responsible for hundreds of marriages and hundreds of thousands of friendships created over the years. If you're looking to get plugged-in, socially, and meet lots of fun & interesting people while enjoying great recreational opportunities, look no further!
In addition to the organization of sports leagues, TRI SPORTS also has a wide variety of professionally run social events and activities.
Also, if there is something you'd like to do, feel free to let us know, and we'll try to pack it in to our calendar. Think you may be interested in us? We're definitely interested in you. This is YOUR social club, and if there is a sport/event/trip/party that you would like us to organize, let us know. We rely on your input to dictate the direction of the club. Please take a moment to tell us what your interests are. What would you like us to organize? How can we help you be more active? Just sign-up for our newsletter and you'll receive the information on the activities that most interest you.
The question I get asked most often is: "How did this all start?" Well, when the economy was booming and Internet start-ups were all the rage, I found myself working 70-90 hours a week and having no social life. At that time I wished someone else would come along to start a social organization like TRI SPORTS, so I could meet other busy professionals like myself. Then, when the economy slowed and the investing environment cooled, I looked to start a new company, this one more resistant to economic fluctuations and investor whims. The Triangle being an area largely composed of transplants, and the lack of a great way to make new friends was the perfect environment for a sport & social club. Our first sports league was scheduled for the week of September 11, 2001. After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, we debated postponing week 1 of leagues until a more appropriate time, but eventually decided it'd be best to offer the social opportunity for those who felt comfortable with getting out of the house. What we found, with perfect attendance that week, was validation that people need people, and a club like TRI SPORTS that helps people build a solid social support network is a great thing.
I can't tell you the number of times somebody has moved away from the Triangle, only to return within a year, to tell me that their new city didn't have anything like TRI SPORTS and they just couldn't get plugged in socially. Which is exactly the point; we're your one-stop shop for instant social life, sports leagues and travel. We hope to see you soon. - Danny Lefebvre