Time to decide, once and for all, who wasted more of their productive years in bars! The crown jewel of our bar sports line-up is the Barcathlon; 7 weeks of bar room bliss! Every week a different tournament. We have also been known to do Darts, Euchre, Spades, Cornhole, & SkeeBall, as their own break-out events.
What's the BARCATHLON? Well, it's the decathlon of bar sports, except we compete for 7 weeks, and it's much more fun! Usually composed of Darts, Pool, Cornhole, Beer Pong, Flip Cup and, depending on what our local bars have to offer, possibly Shuffleboard, SkeeBall, Trivia, Air Hockey, Giant Jenga, Bocce, Pac Man, Wii Bowling, Mario Kart, Scavenger Hunt, etc. Often played in our colder months, so if you don't see something below, check back soon as leagues open for registration frequently. Any Qs? CONTACT US
Don't have a full team? No problem. We welcome individual free agents, groups, & teams!